Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, I'm a firm believer that home should be a safe and life-giving place. But in busy seasons, home can sometimes feel more like a pit stop than a refuge. In seasons of exhaustion, home can feel like just another to-do on the list. How would you describe your home? Dim, stale, forgotten, overwhelming, an in-between? Or would you call it a refuge, a haven, a place that's alive? I've definitely felt on both sides before. But here's the thing. I think that a small amount of extra effort can make a huge difference. Whether you live in a dorm, an apartment, or a house of your own, I thought it would be fun to share a few easy ways to give your home a mid-January pick me up.
1. Put those things on the wall that you have been waiting to put up for like... ever.
This is one that I think a lot of people struggle with. It feels like such a big task to measure, to level, and hang something on the wall. Not to mention figure out where it goes! Well, here's the thing... just do it. If you don't like it, you can change it later. Especially if you use 3M Command strips, everything will be easily movable. Here's a little tip for hanging things that require multiple nails, though. I have a few tips and tricks for hanging things quickly, so maybe I'll post those soon too. For now, check out the before and afters of hanging things up at my friend's house this weekend. Her place was already sooo cute but adding all of her wall decor makes it feel so cozy. It was so fun getting some extra time with her and helping her plan it all out. If you want some help adding new pieces to your home and some bonus gal pal time, shoot me a message -I'd love to hang out with you! :)
2. Add in some greenery!
Treat yourself to a T.J.Maxx or HomeGoods trip and get yourself a fake plant. Or a real plant, if you're up for the challenge. I'd love to do that one day, but taking care of Brie is enough for now. Anyways. Plants = Life, right? So then, Home + Plants = Alive Home! I never had any fake (or real) plants when I lived in the dorms, but now that I've graduated and live in an apartment, I wonder why I never did! My friend got me the faux fiddle leaf pictured below as a bridal shower gift, and it's one of my favorite things to decorate with in the whole house. Target also has some REALLY cute mini plants for $10 right now that I've got my eye on (there are some online, but more in-store).
3. Have music playing.
Can you say, "Alexa, play worship music"? I think you can! When we got our puppy, we read that having music playing when you leave the house can help them relax so they don't freak out at every little sound. We started listening to music when we were home to get her used to it, and now we love it. There's something that seems so alive about music playing in the house. It's such a small thing, but it can make a big difference. Maybe sing and dance a little too! I highly recommend listening to The Corner Room's Psalm Songs. That album has helped me memorize a lot of scripture, and you'll notice a significant change in your perspective when you have God's Word readily available in my heart and mind.
4. Make your bed like your mama always told you to.
Okay, a lot of the things on this list I'm pretty good at... but this one? Not so much. Sorry, Mom. I honestly wonder if I will even have a made bed every day when I have kids and I am telling them to make their beds. If you need a little extra incentive to make your bed, I recommend investing in your bedding. This doesn't mean you have to spend hundreds, but having some matching pillows and a cute blanket definitely makes me feel more accomplished about making my bed. The return on investment is a lot more worth it when it's cute, don't you think? We got our sheets and headboard from Macy's, our duvet cover from Amazon, our euro pillow shams & inserts from IKEA (never underestimate the power of IKEA's bedding selection), and that decorative lumbar pillow from Bed, Bath, & Beyond. The chunky knit blanket was a gift but I can find the link if anyone wants it!
5. Open your dang curtains!
This takes literally 5 seconds to do. Especially when I was a dorm in college, I often kept my blinds closed. To this day, I don't understand why! Not only does it physically liven up your space when you let the natural light in, but it can also affect you mentally. Letting your eyes see the daylight actually releases serotonin, which can help prevent that tired, lethargic, depression-like feeling. I once heard from a college professor that Californians have a higher rate of seasonal depression because people are indoors so often, which makes no sense because it's usually beautiful outside! Still, I've fallen victim to the closed curtains many-a-time before. So. Let's open our dang curtains, people!
6. Host people.
Out of all the things I'm sharing, this one definitely takes the most effort. But I think the biggest factor for people not inviting others into their home is the need for it to be perfect first, so I want to speak to that for a second... It. Won't. Ever. Be. Perfect. I'm all for putting extra work into your home to make it more inviting, but if your perfectionism is getting in the way of building relationships, then it's time to reevaluate your priorities. Dang. Preaching to myself right now. We are made for community, and having a home to invite someone into for a meal, for a night, just to hang out can be so life-giving. It doesn't have to be some massive party or group gathering. Letting even one person into your home can be a vulnerable thing, but there is so much strength in that vulnerability. And who knows, maybe that vulnerability that you share will encourage other people to open up as well, and you will grow closer with them because of it. And trust me, as you let go of your perfectionism and choose people first, hosting gets easier every time.
7. Treat yourself to some cute soap.
Let's end with an easy one. I love to buy a new soap for every season. Usually less than $5, this can be a fun and cheap way to freshen up your normal routines. Again, drag yourself over to T.J.Maxx or HomeGoods and pick out something that just makes you happy. I usually like to spend the extra dollar to get the glass containers when possible, but there are so many great options that it's hard to choose. I recently picked up this Lemon/Verbena hand soap for the bathroom, and the Lemon/Sage duo for the kitchen!
Ta-da! Now was that so painful? In all these suggestions I don't think you'll need to spend more than $10 -unless you're planning on revamping your bedding, in which case I say GO FOR IT! It's been so fun putting this list together. Hopefully, you find something that helps you get out of that mid-winter rut and helps you dive into giving your home new life! And even if you're still feeling overwhelmed, I want to encourage you that it is OKAY. Take a deep breath, take a step back, remember your material things have nothing to do with your invaluable self-worth, grab some caffeine, and take another jab at it. You got this! And if you need a buddy to help you out, let me know. I'd love to get some time with you!
I want to say a special shoutout to my friend Ashley for letting me photograph her home while hanging up wall decor this weekend. She says she doesn't have an eye for decorating... I beg to differ! Anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day! If you have any questions, you can always reach out on my Instagram. :)