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Welcome to It's Shannon Long!

Maybe you're thinking the same thing I am.

Who does she think she is? Who do I think I am? Starting a blog? I'm no high-follower influencer, I'm no selfie-mirror-video-taker ready to show you my #OOTD. There are SO many influencers and bloggers out there. So many talented, beautiful, kindhearted people with a desire to make an impact through their little corner of the internet. It's an over-saturated market. So who am I to think that I'm any different? Well, I think that's the thing. What sets me apart is that I'm just like you.

You see, I, too, love a warm, inviting, clean home... but at least half of the time I have dirty socks and paper towels on my coffee table. My closet looks clean about once a week (if that), on the day that I clean it. It seems like we are always on the go and "busy" is the automatic answer to the question "How are you?" I consider it a victory (and a shame) if I only visit Chickfila once a week. I love my life, but often wonder if I'm doing it the way I am supposed to. I love my Jesus, my dog, and my husband -not usually in that order. I want my life to have meaning and purpose, and I'm just figuring things out as I go.

Now, maybe you don't identify with all of those things. That's fine! But one thing I can say we do have in common is that we're connected some how. I'm your friend from church, your co-worker, that girl you went to college with, or I'm your friend's daughter-in-law. Maybe I'm just that girl that a friend of a friend knows, or maybe you just came here on a whim after seeing something on Instagram or Pinterest. Whatever the connection may be, you're here, and I'm glad you're here. I hope that this blog can inspire you to live your best life -one full of love, joy, creativity, and thoughtfulness.

Make sure you subscribe to the email list below and follow me on Instagram (@itsshannonlong) for achievable, affordable ways to help you embrace the life you love!

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